

范文词典 fanwen.cidiancn.com

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    首先,介绍一下中计报吧.说到中计报,就得先说说它的总公司-赛迪集团.作为信息产业部直属的,中国规模最大,实力最强,影响最为广泛的信息服务机构,赛迪集团控股赛迪传媒,赛迪顾问两大上市公司,是目前国内惟一拥有上市公司的信息服务集团,年营业额近十亿元.集团现拥有以《中国计算机报》,《中国电子报》为龙头的传媒业务集团,以赛迪顾问为龙头的咨询业务集团,以中国软件评测中心,赛迪评测为龙头的评测业务集团,和以赛迪时代为龙头的信息技术业务集团四大块业务,形成了门类齐全,专注IT的综合信息服务体系.同时,赛迪集团还充分发挥第三方机构的作用,通过中国计算机行业协会,中国计算机用户协会,中国软件行业协会 ,中国半导体行业协会,中国信息产业商会,中国信息化推进联盟等挂靠于赛迪集团的国家级行业协会,承担着协调行业发展,规范行业竞争的功能. 
    《中国计算机报》是信息产业部主管,中国电子信息产业发展研究院(CCID)主办的中国权威IT传媒,国内A板上市第一IT媒体.《中国计算机报》始终坚持"服务读者,服务产业"两个上帝的服务理念,遵循"质量,服务,创新"的办报方针,凭借编辑,广告,发行,活动 "四驾马车" 的运营模式和"五位一体"的客户服务体系,形成独具服务优势的"7+5+X"IT知识产品系列,全面服务于广大客户和读者.  
China Information World (CIW) is a conglomerate IT publication superintended by the Ministryof Information
Industry and sponsored by China Center of Information Industry Development (CCID), which is "the first IT
publication" listed on the domestic A board. Under thephilosophy of "quality, service and innovativeness",
CIW always stick to the "Two Gods"  
principles -- "To serve the readers, and to serve the media industry". Relying on "the four carriages" operation mode of
editing, advertising, distributing, activity, and the "Five in One" customer service system, CIW establishes
an unique" 7 +5+ X" IT knowledge products series, serve the masses of customers and readers.  
To date, CIW has totally issued more than 300 editions twice a week. News, China  
Informatization, Network & Communication, Products and Applications, Software and Service, Channel and Market
are published on Mondays, covering the market of enterpriselevel with the information for readers to grasp
every splendid moment in info-China. Computer Engineer on Wednesdays cater for reader’s demands and follow up the trend of IT popularization, unfolding a pioneer media of digital times in front
of you. CIW stretchesinto the regional markets through its swift service channels of East China, South China,
 Southwest China, Northeast China, and Northwest China special editions, becoming the most popular IT
professional media with its brand and platform advantage, as well as its quick and&n
bsp;wonderful reporting. The series of specials and monographs published regularly promote the directional
service ability targeted at the segmented markets, highlighting the characteristics and strengths of IT

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