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Dear Cheryl,
Our guide, "Joy", in Beijing, was one of the best. Very knowledgeable, friendly and organized. I didn't get the feeling that she had anything to do with scheduling the factory tours. But all things considered, we had the best experiences in Beijing.
Many thanks for your service. Thank you for arranging such a wonderful trip for us. The best thing about your trip was hiking on the Great Wall, Jinshanling to Simatai. Sandy and I both agreed on that one. Many thanks for a fine trip to China. I would recommend your service to others
Steven Bradley Booking code: 61008-C60123059
Client's information: Steven, United States
Tour Starting Date: October 8, 2006
Tour Itinerary: 19 Days Hong Kong,Beijing,Xi'an,Luoyang,Dengfeng,Zhengzhou,Shan ghai,Suzhou,Shanghai,Hong Kong Tour
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